Introducing Simchas Hachaim Publishing

20th Jan 2014

The organization formerly known as the Simchas Hachaim Foundation has been reshaped as two new, distinct organizations: The Rabbi Avigdor Miller Legacy Library, and its publishing division, Simchas Hachaim Publishing.

The Rabbi Avigdor Miller Legacy Library

The Library is charged with spreading Rabbi Miller's teachings through a variety of media and formats. Plans include an expansive digital archive of Rabbi Miller's lectures, writings, and videos, a kiruv initiative, an vastly expanded product line, new children’s programming, and a future “bricks and mortar” reading room.

Simchas Hachaim Publishing

Simchas Hachaim Publishing (previously under the “Simchas Hachaim Foundation” imprint) has published a number of popular titles, including these: The first two volumes of the 10-volume Ohr Avigdor series (Rabbi Miller's extraordinary commentary on Chovos Halevavos); Tefilas Avigdor, Rabbi Miller's Hebrew commentary on the siddur; and A Divine Madness, Rabbi Miller's history of the Holocaust, previously unpublished for 40 years.