The Jewish Nation

  • Chachmei Yisroel (Set of 7 Lectures)

    SHP Audio Set

    Chachmei Yisroel (Set of 7 Lectures)

    A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Chachmei Yisroel. This set contains the following lectures: 366. Rabbi Akiva  542. Hillel 849. Bavel 665.  Glorious Era of Torah Sages R36. Wealth of Israel R38. Living Examples S-35...

  • Happy to be Jewish (7 lectures)

    SHP Audio Set

    Happy to be Jewish (7 lectures)

    Happy to be Jewish, 7 lectures from Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Thursday night lecture series: 001 - Singing In The World 017 - Repenting In Happiness 237 - Serve Hashem With Joy 338 - Always Enthusiastic 693 - Happiness Of Free Will 808 - Joy Of Emunah E -...

  • Hashem Guides History (Set of 7 Lectures)

    SHP Audio Set

    Hashem Guides History (Set of 7 Lectures)

    A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Hashem Guides History This set contains the following lectures: 505. Hashem Manipulates History 1 506. Hashem Manipulates History 2 663. Recognizing Hashem in History 936. Purpose and Plan in History...

  • Klal Yisroel

    SHP Audio Set

    Klal Yisroel

    Klal Yisroel, 7 lectures by Rabbi Avigdor Miller 22 - A suborn nation 260 - This people I created 294 - Blessed nation 362 - Every Jew a prince 630 - Who is like Your people Israel 799 - Hashem's people 905 - One nation in the world You will receive...

  • SHP Audio Set

    Malchei Yisroel (Set of 7 Lectures)

    A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's on Malchei Yisroel This set contains the following lectures: E-223. Our First King E-224. Shaul and David E-226. Golden Age of Shlomo E-227. Hizkiah, Prince of Shalom 265. Shaul 45. Shlomo and Yaravem R-61. Yaravem...

  • Yisroel And The Nations

    SHP Audio Set

    Yisroel And The Nations

    7 lectures by Rabbi Avigdor Miller 4 - Shatnez and Azazel 109 - In exile 331 - Our enemies graves 546 - I set you apart 577 - Keeping away from Esav E-271 - Havdalah S-17 - Learning from the nations You will receive download link(s) by email.
