SHP Audio Set
Malchei Yisroel (Set of 7 Lectures)
A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's on Malchei Yisroel This set contains the following lectures: E-223. Our First King E-224. Shaul and David E-226. Golden Age of Shlomo E-227. Hizkiah, Prince of Shalom 265. Shaul 45. Shlomo and Yaravem R-61. Yaravem...
$11.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Marriage, Parenting and the Jewish Home (40 MP3's)
40 MP3's on Marriage, Family and the Jewish Home from Rabbi Miller's Thursday night lecture series. Download 6 ZIP files. 732 - Gems From Mishlei 2 Marriage and succesful living.mp3 714 - Sanctuary Of The Jewish Home...
$67.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Mesilas Yesharim (All 30 Lectures)
Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Mesilas Yesharim, complete in 30 MP3 lectures. Lectures are saved in 3 ZIP files. Download and unzip to listen.
$48.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Midos Collection (8 Lectures)
Set of 8 classic lectures about Midos: 53. The Supreme Test 312. Foundations of Midos 379. The Complainer 406. Derech Eretz 447. Anger, Midos, and the Afterlife 579. Midos -- Finding Favor in Hashem's Eyes 658. Working on the...
$13.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Mussar Gems (9 lectures)
Mussar Gems, 9 lectures from Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Thursday night lecture series. On Chovos Halevavos, Shaarei Teshuva, Mesilas Yesharim, and more: 342 - Mesilas Yesharim 1 -- Sitting in the House of Hashem 387 - Shaarei Teshuva 1 --18 399 - Chovos...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Nach Series (Set of 5 MP3s)
A set of 5 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Nach. This set contains the following lectures: A-1. Joshua 1 A-2. Joshua 2 A-3. Joshua 3 B-1. Samuel 1 B-2. Samuel 2 Download instantly after purchase!
$10.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Niflaos Haborei (Set of 7 Lectures)
A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Niflaos Haborei This set contains the following lectures: R-32. Rain and SnowS-3. Creation of Light10. Creation203. Snow and Mann242. Light and Day188. Lure of the Soil773. Miracles and Nature...
$11.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Olam Haba (All 51 MP3's)
The entire collection of lectures on the topic of Olam Haba, 51 mp3's. These are the lectures the book Rav Avigdor Miller on Olam Haba (Judaica Press) was based on. Lectures included: The World to Come (#33) Posing For Eternity (#54)...
$82.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Olam Haba Gems (7 lectures)
Olam Haba Gems, 7 lectures from Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Thursday night lecture series: 168 - Gehinom 383 - A Visit in Gan Eden 549 - Preparing For Eternity 768 - Revival of the Dead 984 - The Afterlife E-136 - The Body - Partner Of The Soul ...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Orchos Tzadikim (All 29 Lectures)
Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Orchos Tzadikim, complete in 29 MP3 lectures. Lectures are saved in 3 ZIP files. Download and unzip to listen.
$47.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Parenting Gems (7 lectures)
Parenting Gems, 7 lectures from Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Thursday night lecture series and before: Raising Children 1 (#91) Raising Children 2 (#254) Inviting Guests into the World (#295) Bringing Up Children 4: Driving Rules on Life's...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Perek Chelek (All 44 lectures)
Rabbi Avigdor Miller's lectures on Perek Chelek (the last chapter of the gemara Sanhedrin) complete in 44 MP3 lectures. More than 45 hours of audio! Lectures are saved in 5 ZIP files.
$70.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Pesach Gems 1 (7 lectures)
Set of 7 classic lectures about Pesach: 116. Preface to Pesach 1 118. Preface to Pesach 2 161. Preface to Pesach 3 163. Preface to Pesach 4 214. Preface to Pesach 5 259. Preface to Pesach 6 307. Preface to Pesach 7 You will receive...
$11.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Pesach Gems 1 (7 MP3 lectures)
Set of 7 classic lectures about Pesach: 116 - Pesach 1 -- Pesach, Matzoh and Maror118 - Pesach 2 -- The Makkos161 - Pesach 3 -- Hashem Will Pass through Egypt163 - Pesach 4 -- The Exile Begins214 - Pesach 5 -- Reenacting the Exile259 - Pesach 6 -- The...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Pesach Gems 2 (7 lectures)
Set of 7 classic lectures about Pesach: 780. The Night of the Locked Doors 806. Bread of Affliction 903. Song at the Sea 954. Pesach Lessons of History E-103. Removing Chometz from the Soul E-182. Next Year Free Men E-229. Lessons of Pesach...
$11.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Pesach Gems 2 (7 MP3 lectures)
Set of 7 classic lectures about Pesach: 780. The Night of the Locked Doors 806. Bread of Affliction 903. Song at the Sea 954. Pesach Lessons of History E-103. Removing Chometz from the Soul E-182. Next Year Free Men E-229. Lessons of Pesach for All Year...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Pesach Gems 3 (7 lectures)
Set of 7 classic lectures about Pesach: 780 - The Night Of The Locked Doors 806 - Bread Of Affliction (Lechem Oni) 903 - The Song At The Sea 954 - Pesach Lessons Of History E-103 - Removing Chometz From The Soul E-182 - Next Year! Free Men ...
$15.00 -
SHP Audio Set
Preface to Purim (Set of 7 MP3s)
A set of 7 of Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Purim lectures. This set contains the following lectures: 110. Preface to Purim 1 112. Preface to Purim 2 115. Preface to Purim 3 159. Preface to Purim 4 209. Preface to Purim 5 257. Preface to Purim 6 258. Preface...
Lecture Sets by Topic