SHP e-Book Bundle (12 ePub Books)


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12 favorite Rabbi Avigdor Miller ebooks*

A bundle of 12 favorite Rabbi Avigdor Miller books from Simchas Hachaim Publishing in ePub and mobi fomat*. (The number indicates how many pages in the print edition to help you visualize the length.)
  1. Eternal Nachas (40)
  2. Judaism Q&A (200)
  3. Most Beautiful Nation (190)
  4. Perfection in Marriage (150)
  5. The Fragrance of Life (220)
  6. The Truth of the Torah (250)
  7. A Divine Madness 2nd Ed (320)
  8. The Megillos (160)
  9. Ask Rabbi Miller (540)
  10. Asking Hashem (160)
  11. Career of Happiness 2nd Ed (190)
  12. Climb the Ladder -- Emunah, Bitachon, & More (220)
* IMPORTANT: These ePub/mobi files CANNOT be read in a PDF reader. They require an e-reader (like Kindle) or ePub app (like Calibre, ReadEra, etc.).
Retail value (print editions): close to $200!
Household License.